Increase the Value of Your Home with Expert Exterior Renovation

Exterior Home Renovation

Perfectly dovetailing with the trend of enhancing properties, exterior home renovation extends beyond aesthetic appeal. Tangible advantages often overlooked align with this pursuit. To galvanize understanding, let’s delve into the key benefits:

Increase Property Value

A grim-looking exterior likely impairs the value of a home. Enhancements made to the outer area actually serve dual purposes. Firstly, enjoying the revamped space becomes a pleasure in itself. Secondly, these refurbishments deliver a significant boost to the property value. Figures from Remodeling Magazine’s Cost vs. Value Report, 2020, back this claim. According to their study, siding replacement recouped 78% of the project cost upon resale, while manufactured stone veneer service presented a whopping 95.6% recoup rate.

Boost Curb Appeal

Curb appeal predominantly shapes first impressions. A well-curated exterior not only turns heads but also fosters a positive image among neighbors. Updating an old door, adding a fresh coat of paint, or planting a vibrant garden generates a ‘wow-factor’ undeniably enhancing curb appeal. Moreover, as per Realtor’s National Housing Pulse Survey, 63% of home buyers will drop by after viewing a home they like online. Hence, the exterior elements go a long way in compelling them to consider the visit worthy.

Planning Your Exterior Home Renovation

Navigating exterior home renovation involves two critical aspects – establishing a budget and identifying the appropriate timing. Both require careful deliberation and prudent decision-making to ensure the success of the project.

Setting a Budget

Determining a budget serves as a fundamental step in planning an exterior home restoration. Homeowners ought to consider the current condition, materials preferred, and the extent of changes desired before settling on a budget. For instance, a simple fresh coat of paint might cost a few hundreds of dollars, while a full-scale remodel, which includes replacing sidings or installing a stone veneer, might run into thousands.

To keep expenditures under control, it’s advisable to list out desires and necessities separately. Essential renovations like fixing a leaky roof fall under necessities, whereas installing decorative elements such as a deck or patio constitute desires.

Choosing the Right Time

The timing for an exterior home renovation depends heavily on the weather conditions, availability of contractors, and in some cases, local regulations. Optimal weather is essential for tasks like painting exteriors or replacing sidings since wet or cold weather may spoil the finish or delay the progress of work.

Usually, spring to early summer proves to be the ideal time for the majority of exterior renovations. Contractors tend to be less booked and materials more readily accessible during this period.

Popular Exterior Renovation Projects

Roof Repair and Replacement

Roof repair and replacement rank high on the list of exterior renovations. They serve preservation purposes and provide a fresh look to a home. Roof replacements, particularly, come into play when homeowners encounter recurring problems like persistent leaks, which indicate underlying major issues. Additionally, a newer roof offers increased energy efficiency—an upgrade many modern homeowners seek. For instance, a metal roof reflects sunlight and heat away from the home, reducing the need for extensive air conditioning.

Siding Updates

Siding updates represent another popular exterior renovation project. Good quality siding not only enhances curb appeal but also offers increased insulation and durability. For instance, fiber cement siding gives a home an elegant appearance and comes with the advantage of long-term resistance to climate and pests. Another popular choice, vinyl siding, offers cost-effectiveness and low maintenance.

Landscaping Improvements

Landscaping improvements occupy a vital place in exterior renovations as they add aesthetic value and increase property worth. They include projects such as lawn reseeding, planting ornamental trees or flower beds, installing pathways or pavers, and setting up patios or outdoor living spaces. For instance, creating a backyard retreat not only provides space for relaxation but also increases a home’s value. Savvy landscapers may also incorporate elements like water-saving plants or an efficient irrigation system—features that attract eco-conscious buyers.